Introduction to information technologyPengantar teknologi informasi = Introduction to information technology

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 621.38 Tur i
Ketersediaan : 4 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103070630285621.38 Tur iLantai II TimurAvailable
31103070625889621.38 Tur iGedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
31103070609420621.38 Tur iGedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
31103070609438621.38 Tur iGedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available

Management accounting=akuntansi manajemen buku 1

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 658.151 1 Han m I
Ketersediaan : 3 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103080233997658.151 1 Han m IGedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
31103080233989658.151 1 Han m IGedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
311030519247168 658.151 1 Han m 3Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available

Kewirausahaan dan manajemen usaha kecil, buku 2: = essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 338.04 Zim k II
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030819253964 338.04 Zim k II Lantai II TimurAvailable

Sistem informasi akuntansi, buku 1 = Accounting information systems

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 657.028 5 Hal s I 2007
Ketersediaan : 8 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31101610002749657.028 5 Hal s I 2007Lantai II Barat (Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi)Available
311081703011004657.028 5 Hal s I 2007Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
31107170308519657.028 5 Hal s I 2007Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
31107170308338657.028 5 Hal s I 2007Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
F0016285657.028 5 Hal s I 2007Lantai II TimurAvailable
311030319246178657.028 5 Hal s I 2007Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
311030319246181657.028 5 Hal s I 2007Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
311030319246182657.028 5 Hal s I 2007Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available

Sistem informasi akuntansi = Accounting information systems

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 657.028 5 Hal s II 2007
Ketersediaan : 5 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030319242207657.028 5 Hal s II 2007Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
311030319244675657.028 5 Hal s II 2007Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
F0016335657.028 5 Hal s II 2007Lantai II Barat (Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi)Available
3110317032307657.028 5 Hal s II 2007Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
31106170306632657.028 5 Hal s II 2007Lantai II TimurAvailable

Sistem informasi akuntansi, buku 1 = Accounting information systems

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 657.028 5 Hal s 2009
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030623278305 657.028 5 Hal s 2009 Lantai II TimurAvailable

Sistem informasi akuntansi, buku dua accounting information systems = accounting information systems

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 657.028 5 Rom s II
Ketersediaan : 12 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103060206674 657.028 5 Rom s II Lantai II TimurAvailable
31103060206666 657.028 5 Rom s II 2 Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
31103060206641 657.028 5 Rom s II 3 Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
311030623277946 657.028 5 Rom s II 4 Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
31103060206633 657.028 % Rom s II 5 Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
31103060206625 657.028 5 Rom s II 6 Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
31103070617498 657.028 5 Rom s II 7 Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
31103070617480 657.028 5 Rom s II 8 Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
311030623277953 657.028 5 Rom s II 9 00Available
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : S 796.334 Har p
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
42312.1S 796.334 Har pLantai II Barat (Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi)Tidak Dipinjamkan
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : S 373.15 Ang e
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
55184.1S 373.15 Ang eLantai II Barat (Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi)Tidak Dipinjamkan

Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 129 dari pencarian Anda melalui kata kunci: Author : "HINDARTO, Deny Muria"
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