Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 001.64 wu i
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103130401727001.64 wu iGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 000Available


Judul Seri : Physical education activities series
No. Panggil : R 796.345 Blo b
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103130427193R 796.345 Blo bLantai I Utara Bag. Tengah (Referensi, Rep.)Tidak Dipinjamkan

Weep not, child

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 420.7 Ngu w
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103130507341420.7 Ngu wGedung Lama Lantai 2 Timur 400Available

Learning and instruction : teori dan aplikasi

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 371.3 Gre l 2013
Ketersediaan : 3 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103150200628 371.3 Gre l 2013 Lantai II TimurAvailable
31103150200569371.3 Gre l 2013Gedung Lama Lantai 2 Timur 370Available
31103150800352371.3 Gre l 2013Gedung Lama Lantai 2 Timur 370Available

Essentials of strategic management : the quest for competitive advantage

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 658.401 2 Gam e 2013
Ketersediaan : 3 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103140900339658.401 2 Gam e 2013Lantai II TimurAvailable
311031018233330658.401 2 Gam e 2013Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
311030519248768658.401 2 Gam e 2013Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available

Encyclopedia of associations, vol. 2 : geographic and executive index.

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : R 061.3 Gal e II
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103150105556R 061.3 Gal e IILantai I Utara Bag. Tengah (Referensi, Rep.)Tidak Dipinjamkan

CRAFTING and executing strategy : concepts and readings

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 658 Cra c
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103140700211658 Cra cLantai II TimurAvailable

SIMULATED patient methodology : theory, evidence and practice

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 610.73 Sim s
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103160100116610.73 Sim sLantai II TimurAvailable

Sosiologi Kontemporer

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 301 Pol s
Ketersediaan : tidak ada kopi yang tersedia
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
04003080303290301 Pol sGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Sedang Dipinjam (Jatuh tempo pada 2025-03-13)
04003080696370301 Pol sGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Sedang Dipinjam (Jatuh tempo pada 2025-03-13)

Evidence on monetary policy transmission during tranquil and turbulent periods

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : JURNAL
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
247378.1JURNAL R. MajalahTidak Dipinjamkan

Sosiologi Kontemporer

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 301 Pol s
Ketersediaan : 2 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
06003080122664301 Pol sGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available
00603110600351301 Pol sGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 300.1
Ketersediaan : E Book

Race, gender and class : an anthology

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 305.42 and r
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311031120261516 305.42 and r Lantai II TimurAvailable

CRAFTING and executing strategy : the quest for competitive advantage: concepts and cases

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 658.401 2 Cra c 2020
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030122270592 658.401 2 Cra c 2020Lantai II TimurAvailable

Landscape and infrastructure

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 720 Vic l
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030122269205 720 Vic l Lantai II TimurAvailable
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 305.42 And t
Ketersediaan : tidak ada kopi yang tersedia
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030322271317 305.42 And t Lantai II TimurDiproses

Conducting quantitativen research in education

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 370.7 Ron c
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311031222275243 370.7 Ron c Lantai II TimurAvailable
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 304.6 Gor e
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
03003080340350304.6 Gor eGedung Baru Lantai 3 (Koleksi Lama)Available

CRAFTING and executing strategy : the quest for competitive advantage: concepts and cases

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 658.401 2 Cra c 2014
Ketersediaan : 3 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311031018233717658.401 2 Cra c 2014Lantai II TimurAvailable
311030519248774658.401 2 Cra c 2014Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available
311030519248773658.401 2 Cra c 2014Gedung Baru Lantai 5 (600)Available

Integrating educational technology into teaching

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 371.33 Rob i
Ketersediaan : 2 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
3110317031900371.33 Rob iGedung Lama Lantai 2 Timur 370Available
61103080709650371.33 Rob iGedung Lama Lantai 2 Timur 370Available

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