HUMORS and substances : ideas of the body in New Guinea

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : DUTCH 306.4 Hum h
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
14000003173030DUTCH 306.4 Hum hGedung Baru Lantai 3 (Koleksi Belanda)Tidak Dipinjamkan

Contesting rituals : Islam and practices of identity-making

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : DUTCH 306.697 Con c
Ketersediaan : 2 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103150700736DUTCH 306.697 Con cGedung Baru Lantai 3 (Koleksi Belanda)Tidak Dipinjamkan
31103150700738DUTCH 306.697 Con cGedung Baru Lantai 3 (Koleksi Belanda)Tidak Dipinjamkan
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 428.24 Sha b
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103070539718428.24 Sha bGedung Lama Lantai 2 Timur 400Available
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 428.007 6 Sha h
Ketersediaan : 2 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103160901017428.007 6 Sha hLantai 1 Utara - Tengah (Referensi)Available
311081703011005428.007 6 Sha hGedung Lama Lantai 2 Timur 400Available

Medaiting the message

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 302.23 Sho m
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
03003010803055302.23 Sho mGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 302.23 Sho m
Ketersediaan : 2 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
03003080221634302.23 Sho mGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available
03003010801703302.23 Sho mGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available

Toefl ibt

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 425 Sha t
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
07003150100617425 Sha tLantai II TimurAvailable
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 420 SHA b
Ketersediaan : 2 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
013267420 SHA bLantai I UtaraAvailable
31103160602908420 SHA bGedung Lama Lantai 2 Timur 400Available

Breaking the Frames : Anthropological Conundrums

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 306
Ketersediaan : E Book

Interviewing : principles and practices

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 158.3 Ste i 2006
Ketersediaan : 2 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103070635961158.3 Ste i 2006Lantai II TimurAvailable
31103070635979158.3 Ste i 2006Gedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 100Available


Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 658 Hit m
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030918230490658 Hit mLantai II TimurAvailable

Interviewing : principles and practices

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 158.3 Ste i 2000
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030519249057 158.3 Ste i 2000Gedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 000Available

Interviu : prinsip dan praktik = interviewing : principles and practices

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 302.2 Ste i
Ketersediaan : 4 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103121017219 302.2 Ste i Lantai II TimurAvailable
31103121017227302.2 Ste iGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available
31103130309029302.2 Ste iGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available
31103130309037302.2 Ste iGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available


Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 302.2242 Ste i
Ketersediaan : 2 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030119241143302.2242 Ste iGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available
311030119241144302.2242 Ste iGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available

Interviu prinsip dan praktik = Interviewing: principles and practices

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 158.3 Ste i
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103140600463158.3 Ste iLantai II TimurAvailable

Interviewing : principles and practices

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 158.3 Ste i
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103060643611 158.3 Ste i Lantai II TimurAvailable

Student solutions manual for mathematics for calculus

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 515 ste s
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103161201850515 ste sGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 813 All m
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103060666562813 All mLantai II TimurAvailable

Tis the season : for an instant family

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 813.6 Arn t
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030818229362813.6 Arn tGedung Baru Lantai 6 (700, 800, 900)Available

Dance with the devil

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 813.54 Lit d
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030718227965813.54 Lit dGedung Baru Lantai 6 (700, 800, 900)Available

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