German Corporate Governance in International and European Context

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 340.9
Ketersediaan : E Book

THE CORNELL lab of ornithology : handbook of bird biology

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 598 Cor c
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
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311031219259435 598 Cor c Gedung Lama Lantai 2 Timur (CR)Available

ATLAS of emergency medicine

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : R 616.025 Atl a
Ketersediaan : tidak ada kopi yang tersedia
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311030120258376R 616.025 Atl a Lantai 1 Utara - Tengah (Referensi)Diproses

Membrane Computing : 5th International Workshop, WMC 2004, Milan, Italy, June 14-16, 2004, Revised Selected and Invited Papers

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 004.0151
Ketersediaan : E Book

Plant Responses to Air Pollution and Global Change

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 580
Ketersediaan : E Book

HARRISON'S manual of medicine

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : R 616 Har h 2020
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
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311030122269944R 616 Har h 2020Lantai II TimurAvailable

Teaching about Technology : An Introduction to the Philosophy of Technology for Non-philosophers

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 370.113
Ketersediaan : E Book

Knowledge Cartography : Software Tools and Mapping Techniques

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 005.437
Ketersediaan : E Book

Pengaruh ukuran serbuk dan penambahan tempurung kelapa terhadap kualitas pelet kayu sengon.

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : JURNAL
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
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253488.1JURNAL R. MajalahTidak Dipinjamkan

Lockhart & Wiseman's crop husbandry including grassland

Judul Seri : Woodhead Publishing series in food science, technology and nutrition ; number 277
No. Panggil : SB98 .W58 2014
Ketersediaan : E Book

Organic Stereochemistry

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 547 Rob b
Ketersediaan : 3 copies available
Eksemplar :
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00803101012361547 Rob bGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
00803101016401547 Rob bGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
00803101012833547 Rob bGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 597 PRO p
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
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014873597 PRO pGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 595.7 Bor p
Ketersediaan : 4 copies available
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01003070202513595.7 Bor pGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
01003070202505595.7 Bor pGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
31103170101141595.7 Bor pGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
31103020314261595.7 Bor pGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available

STEROID Analysis

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 574.192 Ste s
Ketersediaan : 2 copies available
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31103991023891 574.192 Ste s3 Gedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
31103991023883 574.192 Ste s2 Gedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : J 959.853 11 Gra p
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
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31103160502258J 959.853 11 Gra pLantai II TimurAvailable
31103161202346J 959.853 11 Gra pGedung Baru Lantai 3 (Koleksi Jawa)Sedang Dipinjam (Jatuh tempo pada 2025-02-25)

Bunga rampai lingkungan hidup

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 304.2 Sar b
Ketersediaan : 5 copies available
Eksemplar :
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61103080712712304.2 Sar bGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available
31110170313514304.2 Sar bGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available
00603110600435304.2 Sar bGedung Baru Lantai 3 (Koleksi Lama)Available
31103160901576304.2 Sar bGedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available
00603110600617 304.2 Sar b 2 Gedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 300Available

Contributions to urban sociology

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 307.76 Con c
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
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311030519250853 307.76 Con c Gedung Baru Lantai 3 (Koleksi Lama)Available
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 331.125 Emp e
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
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3110301189239140331.125 Emp eGedung Baru Lantai 3 (Koleksi Lama)Available

Pers, Siupp, wartawan

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 343.099.80263 Sim p
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
19860101205762343.099.80263 Sim p01Available

The scriptwriter's workbook

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 070.4 Nos s
Ketersediaan : 2 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
1996020012008629070.4 Nos sGedung Baru Lantai 3 (Koleksi Lama)Available
03003080221881 070.4 Nos s 2 Gedung Lama Lantai 1 Timur 000Available

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