
Metodologi penelitian kualitatif

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Informasi Detil

Judul Seri
No. Panggil
Penerbit Alfabeta : Bandung.,
Deskripsi Fisik
vi, 274 hal.: ilus., tab.; 25 cm
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
Cet. ke-6
Info Detil Spesifik
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab

Informasi Lainnya

Anak judul
Judul asli

Versi lain/terkait

Design of steel structuresig
Probabilitas dan statistiked. 2id
Teori dan soal-soal biologiEd. ke 2id
SMITH'S general urology16th ed.ig
HARRISON'S principles of internal medicine, vol.116th ed.ig
BLACK'S law dictionary8th ed.ig
WARDLAW'S perspectives in nutrition8th ed.ig
Language and ideology in children's literatureig
BIOKIMIA harper (harper's biochemistry)Ed. 24id
Strategic communication :id
Biokimia harper (harper's illustrated biochemistry)Ed. 27id
HURST'S the heart12th ed.ig
Percepatan rezeki dalam 40 hari dengan otak kanancet. ke 4id
HARRISON'S manual of medicine18th ed.ig
HARRISON'S principles of internal medicine, vol.218th ed.ig
WARDLAW'S perspectives in nutrition9th ed.ig
Webster's elementary dictionaryig
Everyman's English pronouncing dictionary13th ed.ig
BIOKIMIA Harper (Harper's biochemistry)Ed. 25id
Negara Pancasila :id
Metodologi penelitian kualitatif1id
Pencak Silat Merentang Waktu1id
Kepemimpinan yang Sukses dalam Sepekanid
How it's done:2nd ed.ig
Media and society:3rd. ed.ig
Strategic communication :ed.1id
Tom Swan's C++ primer :1st ed.--ig
Schaum's outlines of theory and problems of :ig
Keselamatan Kerja Dan Pencegahan Kecelakaanid
Mims' Medical microbiology4ig
Pengantar statistikid
Islam dan revolusi pemikiran:id
CLIMATE'S impact on food supplies:ig
Metodologi penelitian kualitatifCet. ke-7id
KOMPILASI hukum ekonomi Syari'ahid
Hukum tata negara IndonesiaEd. rev, Cet. 11id
SMITH'S general urologyig
Architecture exam review, volume I:6th ed.ig
READER'S Digest condensed book, volume 2ig
READER'S Digest condensed book, volume 2ig
READER'S Digest condensed booksig
SMITH'S general urology17th ed.ig
Sultan Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi penakluk Jerusalemid
GOODMAN & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeuticsig
Pendidikan karakter:Cet. IIid
The function of judicial dissent in Indonesia's constitutional courtig
Cushing's syndrome : A large adenoma of adrenal glanden
Determinants of Indonesia's income velocity of moneyig
The impacts of government R&D expenditure on innovation in Chinese Provinces : what's the role of corruptionig
Which variables predict Indonesia's inflation?ig
Eicosapentaenoic acid as adjuvant for cachexia in cancer's patientsig
Risk factors of mortality in children with wilms' tumor at Soetomo Hospital Surabayaig
The effects of nicotine exposure per inhalation to the change of motility and morphology of the rat's spermig
Transcending Borders1st ed.en
AGRICULTURAL biodiversity in International developmenten
I'm not crazy i am bipolarid
K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari :id
Muhammad Syafi'iid
Kanda-kanda wuta pe'oorinoo usaid
Dyson's mechanisc of athleticsed. 8ig
THE PALGRAVE macmillan dicictionary of women's biographyig
HURST'S the heart, volume two14th ed.ig
Women's voices, feminist visionsig
Transliterasi naskah Al-Juz'u Ar-Rabi' naskah museum negeri Kalimantan Timur museum Mulawarman jilid Iid
STRUKTUR bahasa Maku'aid
Penguraian teh pu'er:id
75 do'a-do'a Rasulullah SAW, jilid 1 Brailleid
Kompendium himpunan ayat-ayat Al qur'an yang terkait dengan botani & zoologi (ilmu tumbuhan & hewan)id
Kompendium himpunan ayat-ayat Al qur'an yang berkaitan dengan biologi & kedokteranid
PATTY'S industrial hygiene and toxicology, Volume II4th ed.ig
PATTY'S industrial hygiene and toxicology, Volume IIig
PATTY'S industrial hygiene and toxicology, Volume IIig
ROCKWOOD nad green's fractures in adults, volume 1 (c)6th ed.ig
ROCKWOOD and green's fractures in adults, volume 2 (c)6th ed.ig
HARRISON'S principles of internal medicine, vol.221th ed.ig
READER'S digest condensed books, volume 1ig



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