E Book

Achieving the Sustainable Management of Forests

Chapter1. Introduction -- Chapter2. The definition and meaning of sustainable forest management -- Chapter3. The reasons for the lack of sustainably managed forests at present -- Chapter4. Policy and the political will -- Chapter5. Institutions and policy instruments required to ensure forests are managed sustainably -- Chapter6. Land rights issues and rural poverty -- Chapter7. The sustainability of biodiversity -- Chapter8. Environmental sustainability and climate change -- Chapter9. Sustainability of the supply of timber and non timber forest products -- Chapter10. Illegal logging -- Chapter11. The economics of timber and NTFPs -- Chapter12. Valuation of ecosystem services -- Chapter13. Costs of forest management and regeneration -- Chapter14. International and global issues -- Chapter15. Verification of sustainability -- Chapter16. Awareness raising among politicians and the public in general -- Chapter 17. Conclusions.This book discusses the reality of implementing sustainable forest management measures. Rather than simply offering theoretical descriptions, the book comprehensively details how sustainably managed forests can only be achieved through the cooperation and support of foresters, politicians, business leaders, local communities, consumers of forest-based goods and services, and the general public. The book also aims to raise public awareness of the factors involved in attaining the true sustainability of forest management, and the consequences of failing to do so, as well as the current issues facing sustainable forest management such as land ownership and land-use rights, political corruption, environmental stressors, and economic pressure. In 17 chapters, the book will appeal to academics and teachers in forestry and related areas, government practitioners, development agencies, and NGOs.


9783030158392Koleksi E BookTersedia

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Judul Seri
No. Panggil
Penerbit Springer : Cham.,
Deskripsi Fisik
XIII, 213 p. 28 illus., 27 illus. in color.online resource.
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