E Book

Teaching, Affirming, and Recognizing Trans and Gender Creative Youth

1. Introduction: The Role of Recognition -- 2. Why a Queer Literacy Framework Matters: Models for Sustaining (A)Gender Self-Determination and Justice in Today's Schooling Practices -- 3. Teaching Our Teachers: Trans* and Gender Education in Teacher Preparation and Professional Development -- 4. Kindergartners Studying Trans* Issues Through I Am Jazz -- 5. Beyond This or That: Challenging the Limits of Binary Language in Elementary Education Through Poetry, Word Art, and Creative Bookmarking -- 6. The Teacher as a Text: Un-centering Normative Gender Identities in the Secondary English Language Arts Classroom -- 7. The T* in LGBT*: Disrupting Gender Normative School Culture Through Young Adult Literature -- 8. Risks and Resiliency: Trans* Students in the Rural South -- 9. Introducing (A)gender into Foreign/Second Language Education -- 10. Exploring Gender Through Ash in the Secondary English Classroom -- 11. Transitional Memories: Reading Using a Queer Cultural Capital Model -- 12. Trans* Young Adult Literature for Secondary English Classrooms: Authors Speak Out -- 13. Puncturing the Silence: Teaching The Laramie Project in the Secondary English Classroom -- 14. Making Space for Unsanctioned Texts: Teachers and Students Collaborate to Trans*form Writing Assignments -- 15. Using Queer Pedagogy and Theory to Teach Shakespeare's Twelfth Night -- 16. The Nonconclusion: Trans*ing Education in the Future- This Cannot Wait.-.sj Miller is a trans*+disciplinary award-winning teacher/writer/activist/scholar and an expert in secondary literacy across disciplines. sj’s research is framed around trans*+disciplinary perspectives on social justice, which cut across theory, epistemology, and pedagogy and links across socio-spatial justice, Urban Education, preservice and inservice secondary language arts teacher dispositions, and marginalized/undervalued student literacies and identities with a particular emphasis on gender identity. sj has written nine books, over twenty-five book chapters, over fifty articles, and is a frequent contributor to the Huffington Post, BBC Radio, CBS News, GLSEN, Vice, and PBS. In 2019, sj received the AERA Distinguished Contributions to Gender Equity in Education Research Award.


9781137567666Koleksi E BookTersedia

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Penerbit Palgrave Macmillan : New York.,
Deskripsi Fisik
XXIII, 323 p. 35 illus.online resource.
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Tipe Pembawa
1st ed.
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A Queer Literacy Framework
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