E Book

Magnetic Monopoles

Dirac Monopole -- Magnetic Monopole in Classical Theory -- The Electron-Monopole System:Quantum-Mechanical Interaction -- Topological Roots of the Abelian Monopole -- Abelian Monopole: Relativistic Quantum Theory -- Monopole in Non-Abelian Gauge Theories -- ’t Hooft-Polyakov Monopole -- Multimonopole Configurations -- SU(2) Monopole in Quantum Theory -- Monopoles Beyond SU(2) Group -- Monopoles and the Problem of Confinement -- Fermions in the Field of Non-Abelian Monopole and Rubakov—Callan Effect -- Supersymmetric Monopoles -- Construction of Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories -- Magnetic Monopoles in the N = 2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory -- Seiberg—Witten Solution of N = 2 SUSY Yang—Mills Theory.This monograph addresses the field theoretical aspects of magnetic monopoles. Written for graduate students as well as researchers, the author demonstrates the interplay between mathematics and physics. He delves into details as necessary and develops many techniques that find applications in modern theoretical physics. This introduction to the basic ideas used for the description and construction of monopoles is also the first coherent presentation of the concept of magnetic monopoles. It arises in many different contexts in modern theoretical physics, from classical mechanics and electrodynamics to multidimensional branes. The book summarizes the present status of the theory and gives an extensive but carefully selected bibliography on the subject. The first part deals with the Dirac monopole, followed in part two by the monopole in non-abelian gauge theories. The third part is devoted to monopoles in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories.


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Penerbit Springer : Berlin.,
Deskripsi Fisik
XVIII, 532 p. 49 illus.online resource.
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