E Book

Optical Communication Theory and Techniques

Solving the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation -- Modulation and Detection Techniques for DWDW Systems -- Best Optical Filtering for Duobinary Transmission -- Theoretical Limits for the Dispersion Limited Optical Channel -- Capacity Bounds for Mimo Poisson Channels with Inter-symbol interference -- QSpace Project: Quantum Cryptography in Space -- Quantum-aided Classical Cryptography with a Moving Target -- Channel Coding for Optical Communications -- Soft Decoding in Optical Systems: Turbo Product Codes vs. LDPC Codes -- Iterative Decoding and Error Code Correction Method in Holographic Data Storage -- Performance of Optical Time-spread CDMA/PPM with Multiple Access and Multipath Interference -- Performance Analysis and Comparison of Trellis-coded and Turbo-coded Optical CDMA Systems -- A Methodology for Calculating Performance in an Optical Fiber Communications System -- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Technique for Outage Probability Evaluation in PMD-compensated Systems -- A Parametric Gain Approach to Performance Evaluation of DPSK/DQPSK Systems with Nonlinear Phase Noise -- Characterization of Intrachannel Nonlinear Distortion in Ultra-high Bit-rate Transmission Systems -- Mathematical and Experimental Analysis of Interferometric Crosstalk Noise Incorporating Chirp Effect in Directly Modulated Systems -- On the Impact of MPI in All-Raman Dispersion-compensated IMDD and DPSK Links -- Modulation Formats for Optical Fiber Transmission -- Dispersion Limitations in Optical Systems Using Offset DPSK Modulation -- Integrated Optical Fir-filters for Adaptive Equalization of Fiber Channel Impairments at 40 Gbit/s -- Performance of Electronic Equalization Applied to Innovative Transmission Techniques -- Performance Bounds of MLSE in Intensity Modulated Fiber Optic Links -- On MLSE Reception of Chromatic Dispersion Tolerant Modulation Schemes.Since the advent of optical communications, a greattechnological effort has been devoted to the exploitation of the huge bandwidth of optical fibers. Sta- ing from a few Mb/s single channel systems, a fast and constant technological development has led to the actual 10 Gb/s per channel dense wavelength - vision multiplexing (DWDM) systems, with dozens of channels on a single fiber. Transmitters and receivers are now ready for 40 Gb/s, whereas hundreds of channels can be simultaneously amplified by optical amplifiers. Nevertheless, despite such a pace in technological progress, optical c- munications are still in a primitive stage if compared, for instance, to radio communications: the widely spread on-off keying (OOK) modulation format is equivalent to the rough amplitude modulation (AM) format, whereas the DWDM technique is nothing more than the optical version of the frequency - vision multiplexing (FDM) technique. Moreover, adaptive equalization, ch- nel coding or maximum likelihood detection are still considered something “exotic” in the optical world. This is mainly due to the favourable char- teristics of the fiber optic channel (large bandwidth, low attenuation, channel stability, ...), which so far allowed us to use very simple transmission and detection techniques.


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Penerbit Springer : Boston.,
Deskripsi Fisik
XII, 216 p.online resource.
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