E Book

Atherosclerosis: Diet and Drugs

Background -- The Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis -- Risk Factors for Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease -- Metabolic Syndrome: Therapeutic Considerations -- The Impact of Diet -- Physical Activity, Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases -- Fatty Acids and Atherosclerotic Risk -- Dietary Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis and Coronary Heart Disease -- Plant Sterols and Stanols -- Carbohydrates and Dietary Fiber -- Dietary Antioxidants and Paraoxonases Against LDL Oxidation and Atherosclerosis Development -- Soy, Isoflavones and Atherosclerosis -- Homocysteine and B Vitamins -- Alcohol -- Evidence-Based Anti-Atherosclerotic Drug Therapy -- Lipid and Non-lipid Effects of Statins -- Fibrates -- ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists -- Inhibition of Platelet Activation and Aggregation -- Targets of Future Anti-Atherosclerotic Drug Therapy -- The ABC of Hepatic and Intestinal Cholesterol Transport -- Inhibition of the Synthesis of Apolipoprotein B-Containing Lipoproteins -- Therapy of Hyper-Lp(a) -- Modulation of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Metabolism and Reverse Cholesterol Transport -- Inhibition of Lipoprotein Lipid Oxidation -- Correction of Insulin Resistance and the Metabolic Syndrome -- Protection of Endothelial Function -- Modulation of Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation and Migration: Role of Smooth Muscle Cell Heterogeneity -- Modulation of Macrophage Function and Metabolism -- Inflammation Is a Crucial Feature of Atherosclerosis and a Potential Target to Reduce Cardiovascular Events -- Autoimmune Mechanisms of Atherosclerosis -- Drug Therapies to Prevent Coronary Plaque Rupture and Erosion: Present and Future -- Reciprocal Role of Vasculogenic Factors and Progenitor Cells in Atherogenesis -- Gene Therapy of Atherosclerosis.Cardiovascular diseases continue to be the leading cause of death in the - jority of industrialized countries. The most frequent underlying pathology, namely atherosclerosis, and its clinical sequelae, namely coronary heart d- ease, cerebrovascular disease and peripheral artery disease, remain common although for a long time we have been made aware of avoidable or mo- ?able etiological factors such as smoking, fat-rich diet or lack of exercise, and although these adverse lifestyle factors have been extensively addressed by population-wide primary prevention programs. Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality also remain high despite successful anti-hypertensive and lipid lowering drug therapies which help to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality by about 30% in both secondary and tertiary prevention settings. This can partly be explained by the increasing life expectancy and growing p- portionofelderly people,especiallyinEuropeandNorthAmerica. Inaddition, the World Health Organization makes the alarming prediction that probably in response to the spreading of western dietary behavior and lack of exercise resulting in an increasing prevalence of diabetes, dyslipidemia and hypert- sion, cardiovascular diseases rather than infectious diseases will become the most frequent cause of death worldwide. This volume of the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology entitled “Atherosclerosis” is divided into four parts and intends to give an overview on the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, established treatment and prevention regimen, and of perspectives for the development of new treatment modalities.


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Penerbit Springer : Berlin, Heidelberg.,
Deskripsi Fisik
XII, 816 p.online resource.
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Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
1st ed.
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