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Evaluating the Organizational Impact of Health Care Information Systems
Evaluating Healthcare Information Systems: A Multimethod Approach -- Overview: Theoretical Perspectives and Methodologies for the Evaluation of Healthcare Information Systems -- Qualitative Research Methods for Evaluating Computer Information Systems -- Multiple Perspectives: Evaluating Healthcare Information Systems in Collaborative Environments -- Survey Methods for Assessing Social Impacts of Computers in Healthcare Organizations -- Using the Internet for Surveys and Research -- Cognitive Approaches to the Evaluation of Healthcare Information Systems -- Work-Sampling: A Statistical Approach to Evaluation of the Effect of Computers on Work Patterns in Health Care -- Evaluation in Health Informatics: Social Network Analysis -- Evaluation in Health Informatics: Computer Simulation -- Evaluating Healthcare Information Systems: Applications -- Computers in the Consulting Room: A Case Study of Clinician and Patient Perspectives -- Introducing Physician Order Entry at a Major Academic Medical Center: Impact on Organizational Culture and Behavior -- Introducing Physician Order Entry at a Major Academic Medical Center: Impact on Medical Education -- Evaluating the Capability of Information Technology to Prevent Adverse Drug Events: A Computer Simulation Approach -- Implementing Computers in Ambulatory Care: Implications of Physician Practice Patterns for System Design -- Nursing Documentation Time During Implementation of an Electronic Medical Record -- Computer Charting: An Evaluation of a Respiratory Care Computer System -- Research and Evaluation: Future Directions.Evaluating the Organizational Impact of Health Care Information Systems, Second Edition, is heavily updated and revised from its First Edition, which is entitled Evaluating Health Care Information Systems: Methods and Applications. The much-needed Second Edition is a guide for evaluating the organizational impacts of computer systems in health care institutions. It provides a practical guide for determining the appropriate questions to ask based on underlying models of change and the most effective methods available. An introduction to various methods is provided, as well as appendices containing survey instruments usable in research and evaluation, computer programs for data analyses, and other evaluation resources. The book provides a critical overview of current research and evaluation to date with numerous bibliographic references from health care and other fields. The methods and instruments described are applicable to a wide variety of other organizations that utilize information technology and they emphasize the importance of clearly specifying the purpose of the evaluation, recognizing assumptions about organizational change and using a multi-method approach to system evaluation. The material presented is drawn from a variety of social and health science disciplines in order to integrate the study of information system with social science theory and methods. Chapter highlights include Cognitive Approaches to Evaluation, Computer Simulation as an Evaluation Tool, and Research and Evaluation: Future Directions. Evaluating the Organizational Impact of Health Care Information Systems, Second Edition is timely since annual investment in information technology by health care organization in the U.S. now exceeds $15 billion. It will prove valuable to physicians, nurses, other health care providers, health care administrators, information systems personnel and consultants who are involved in planning, developing, implementing, utilizing and evaluating computer-based health care systems.
9780387303291 | Koleksi E Book | Tersedia |
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Judul Seri |
No. Panggil |
Penerbit | Springer : New York., 2005 |
Deskripsi Fisik |
XVI, 346 p. 25 resource.
Bahasa |
Klasifikasi |
Tipe Isi |
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Tipe Pembawa |
Edisi |
2nd ed.
Subyek | |
Info Detil Spesifik |
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab |
ames G. Anderson, Carolyn Aydin.
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