E Book

Advances in Public Economics: Utility, Choice and Welfare

Competition, Welfare, and Competition Policy -- In What Sense is the Nash Solution Fair? -- Utility Invariance in Non-Cooperative Games -- Compensated Demand and Inverse Demand Functions: A Duality Approach -- Shadow Prices for a Nonconvex Public Technology in the Presence of Private Constant Returns -- A Glance at Some Fundamental Public Economics Issues Through a Parametric Lens -- Rent Seeking in Public Procurement -- A New Subjective Approach to Equivalence Scales: An Empirical Investigation -- Utility Independence In Health Profiles: An Empirical Study -- Constructing a Preference-Oriented Index of Environmental Quality -- Measuring and Evaluating Intergenerational Mobility: Evidence from Students’ Questionnaires -- Equity, Fiscal Equalization, and Fiscal Mobility -- Comparing Theories: What are We Looking for? -- Overbidding in First Price Private Value Auctions Revisited: Implications of a Multi-Unit Auctions Experiment -- Modelling Judgmental Forecasts under Tabular and Graphical Data Presentation Formats -- Understanding Conjunction Fallacies: An Evidence Theory Model of Representativeness -- The Riskless Utility Mapping of Expected Utility and All Theories Imposing the Dominance Principle: Its Inability to Include Loans, Commitments Even with Fully Described Decision Trees.This Festschrift in honor ofChristian Seidl combines a group of prominent authors who are experts in areas like public economics, welfare economic, decision theory, and experimental economics in a unique volume. Christian Seidl who has edited together with Salvador Barber` a ` and Peter Hammond the Handbook of Utility Theory (appearing at Kluwer Academic Publishers/Springer Economics), has dedicated most of his research to utility and decision theory, social choice theory, welfare economics, and public economics. During the last decade, he has turned part of his attention to a research tool that is increasingly gaining in importance in economics: the laboratory experiment. This volume is an attempt to illuminate all facets of Christian Seidl’s ambitious research agenda by presenting a collection of both theoretical and expe- mental papers on Utility,Choice,andWelfare written by his closest friends, former students, and much valued colleagues. Christian Seidl was born on August 5, 1940, in Vienna, Austria. Beginning Winter term 1962/63, he studied Economics and Business Administration at the Vienna School of Economics (then “Hochschule fff¨ ur ¨ Welthandel”). 1966 he was awarded an MBA by the Vienna School of Economics and 1969 a doctoral degree in Economics. In October 1968 Christian became a research assistant at the Institute of Economics at the University of Vienna. 1973 he acquired his habilitation (right to teach) in Economics — supervised by Wilhelm Weber — from the Department of Law and Economics of the University of Vienna. He was awarded the Dr.


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Penerbit Springer : Boston, MA.,
Deskripsi Fisik
VIII, 327 p.online resource.
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A Festschrift for Christian Seidl
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