E Book

Phenomenology of Life. Meeting the Challenges of the Present-Day World

Topical Study -- The Pragmatic Test of the Ontopoeisis of Life -- Phenomenologists' Vocation in the World of Life -- “Phenomenology of Life” as Chance for Philosophy’s Transformation into a New Humanism -- The Meaning of Life vis-à-vis the Challenges of the Present-Day World -- The Transcendental-Phenomenological Meaning of the Notion of “Experience” in E. Husserl and J. Dewey’s Philosophy -- The Role of the Philosopher Continued -- Husserl’s Mission of Sovereignty of Thought -- The Task of Philosophy and the Significance of the Vocation of the Philosopher for Human Life in Husserl’s Phenomenological Analysis -- Towards a Phenomenology of Courageous Willing -- Becoming Phenomenology: Style, Poetic Texture, and the Pragmatic Turn in Gilles Deleuze and Michel Serres -- Sharing-in-Life -- How Can We be Together: Intersubjectivity and Communication -- A Critique of the Polarity in Edmund Husserl’s Intersubjectivity Theory -- Lived Words: The Phenomenology of Poetry Experienced -- Existence and Communication: Challenge of the Times -- The Existence of Other Egos and the Philosophy of Moral Sentiments -- Ecological Concern and Their Groundwork in the Unity-of-Everything-There-is-Alive -- The Beingness of Living Beings in Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka’s Philosophy -- On the Idea of Environment -- The Meaning of Life: A Topological Approach -- Epistemological Relativism as a Challenge to Life Sciences — Do We Still Need Universals? -- Meeting One’s Death in Arcadia -- Ciphering Life: From Theory to Practice -- Objectivization of Time in the Obsessive World -- Phenomenology, Linguistic Intentionality, Affectivity and Villemoes’ New Therapy for Schizophrenics -- Further Excavating of the “Conception” of the “Life-World” -- Phenomenological Hyletics and the Lifeworld -- Phenomenology, the Life-World and the Human Condition -- Transcendence and the Human Condition: Reflections on Kant, Heidegger and Levinas -- L’Enchantement du Corps chez Nietzsche et Husserl -- To Being or not to Being? That is the Question for Ethics -- Search for a Deeper Social Equilibrium -- Imre Kertesz in the 21st Century: Phenomenological Approaches to Philosophical Distortions and Social Violence -- Phanomenologie der Gewalt. Eine Problemskizze -- Twentieth-Century Italian Painting Against the Nihilist Drift of European Thought -- On Guises, Concepts and Related Topics -- Curriculum of Primary School Science -- The Orator Does Not Think Before, nor Even While, Speaking: His Speech is his Thought -- Education Amidst a Cultural Crisis.Philosophy has been always received or bypassed for its resonance or aloofness with the spirit of the time. Should not philosophy/phenomenology of life be expected to do more to ascertain its validity? Should it not pass the pragmatic test, that is to respond directly to the life-concerns of its time? What is the role of the philosopher and philosophy today? Due to the ever-advancing scientific, technological, social and cultural changes that are shaping human life and the life-world-in-transformation, we are desperately seeking a measure to estimate life's unfolding, a compass to stir the course between Scylla and Charibda to maintain human-hood and creative insight for laying the cornerstones for the unforeseeable unfolding of life dynamisms. It is this challenge which philosophy/phenomenology of life meets with underlying ontopoietic unraveling of the hidden logoic concatenations of beingness-in-becoming. The present collection of essays offers contributions to answer this challenge by focusing upon measure, sharing-in-life, intersubjectivity and communication, societal equilibrium, education, and more. It will be of great interest to those working in the fields of Phenomenology, Philosophy, History of Philosophy, and Contemporary Philosophy.


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Penerbit Springer : Dordrecht.,
Deskripsi Fisik
XXXVII, 562 p.online resource.
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Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
1st ed.
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