Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 512 Alg a I
Ketersediaan : 2 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103060237885512 Alg a ILantai II TimurAvailable
31103060238115512 Alg a IGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : T 512 Wiy p
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103080202737T 512 Wiy pLantai II Barat (Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi)Tidak Dipinjamkan

Algebra and trigonometry

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 512 Ste a
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103080631950512 Ste aLantai II TimurAvailable
Judul Seri : The appleton century mathematics series
No. Panggil : 512.5 Lig f
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103110245904512.5 Lig fGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available

Modern algebra, volume II

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 512 Wae m II
Ketersediaan : 2 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103110200602512 Wae m IIGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
08003090111507512 Wae m IIGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
Judul Seri : Seri buku schaum
No. Panggil : 512.943 Ayr t
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103110403396512.943 Ayr tGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 512.13 Swa f
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103120728444512.13 Swa fGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available

Essentials of college algebra

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 512.378 Bec e
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103120728451512.378 Bec eGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available

Modern college algebra and trigonometry

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 512.4 Bec m
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103120728469512.4 Bec mGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available


Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 510 Mat m XII
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103120704122510 Mat m XIIGedung Baru Lantai 3 (Koleksi Lama)Available
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 512 Kee t
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103120800540512 Kee tGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available

Elements of modern algebra

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 512 Gil e
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103160404989512 Gil eGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 512 Sli a
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030418215623512 Sli aLantai II TimurAvailable
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : LP-M 251 Opt o
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
226453.1LP-M 251 Opt oLantai II Barat (Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi)Tidak Dipinjamkan
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 512 Fra e
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030418216820512 Fra eLantai II TimurAvailable
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 512.7 App a
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311031018232926512.7 App aLantai II TimurAvailable
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 511.5 Kna a
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311081703010207511.5 Kna aLantai II TimurAvailable
Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 512.5 Ful l
Ketersediaan : 2 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103110238180512.5 Ful lGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
311030519247786512.5 Ful lGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available

Modern college algebra

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 512 Hya m
Ketersediaan : 1 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
311030219239559512 Hya mGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available

Struktur Aljabar

Judul Seri :
No. Panggil : 510 Mas s
Ketersediaan : 8 copies available
Eksemplar :
Item CodeCall NumberLocationStatus
31103151100501510 Mas sLantai II TimurAvailable
31103151100510510 Mas sGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
31103151100541510 Mas sGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
31103151100513510 Mas sGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
31103151100516510 Mas sGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
31103160601697510 Mas sGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
31103160601700510 Mas sGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available
31103160601703510 Mas sGedung Baru Lantai 4 (500)Available

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